Monday 14 January 2013

New Page! ^^

I've decided to add a new page called 'Games I'd like to play'. I wish I could say 'Games I play', but my parents won't let me play any of them.
They are right actually. I really want to play those games, but I need to focus on school. My grades are awful.
Even though they are improving slightly, I need to keep on studying.
Gwah   -_-
Guess I need to end this message now, I am dead- tired -_-

See you around~


I like pandas.

Saturday 12 January 2013

A few updates!

I've updated the page called 'Things you might want to try once!' and the pages called random facts. I hope you like it! 
My parents are watching a horror movie behind me, making me jump with each and every scare. 
I like horror movies and horror games, and always watch them out of curiosity. Yet after watching a movie or watching a game using YouTube (as my parents won't let me play any games), every corner or shadow or sound in my house is equal to a grudge-like dead Asian girl trying to kill me.

Tomorrow I'll be updating some more, if I ever get to reach a computer.

*Jumpscare*  \(^.^')/     ____(     )____

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Nolife is on his way!~

I've finished drawing a Nolife comic, but I still need to upload it. And since my laptop has been Hulk smashed, I have to fight an incredible battle to gain acces to the main computer in my house, since I need to share it with my overly- attached- to- electronics- family. Looks like I'm going to lose this battle, as I just took an arrow to the knee.

Just heard my laptop might be broken beyond repair. o.o


See you around~


Thursday 1 November 2012


Stereograms are weird looking images which, if you learn to look at them in a specific way, have a 3D image hidden in them.

Don't worry if you don't succed after giving it only one shot, then here's a link that might help:

Good luck trying! 

See you around!


Tuesday 9 October 2012

Just some funny pics

These are just some funny pics I found :D

As you can see, I am quite bored.
But I thought I'd just look up something funny.
So here it is.
Obviously, I've been updating this and that, so please take a look around!

See you around,


Thursday 4 October 2012

Things you might want to try once!

I've updated the page called: Things you might want to try once~ ! It's mostly about fruits now, but soon, I'll try to recommend something else.
I've found quite a lot of inspiration for a nolife comic!
I'll try to draw them as soon as possible!

I recommend: Lasagna!

See you around,


Saturday 22 September 2012

Quite a lot of updates!

It's half past ten~   -.-
I've found some awesome inspiration, and used that to put stuff on my blog!
Please feel free to look around!
If you enjoy it, please comment! Then, you can have this virtual cookie.
Everyone likes cookies right? =D

See you around~
