The human brain

This blog is called 'random daily stuff'. Deal with it.

This page is about the human brain. I am quite interested in the human brain, and I want to become a neurosurgeon when I grow up.

The descriptions and explanations you will find here aren't very difficult or complicated at all. I am not a genius when it comes to this subject, all I can say is that I am very interested about it.

As my personality is quite random too, I hope I won't be jumping from subject to subject too much.

The human brain, is compared to the brains of other mammals, larger than any other in relation to body size. Even so, the human brain only takes up to 2 percent of our body volume.
20 percent of our blood is constantly being transported to our brain, as it uses almost ten times more oxygen than almost all our other organs. It also uses a quarter of our total energy.

Our brain consists out of neurons, these are some peculiar cells, of which you will notice, that they look completely different from all of the other cells in the human body. I will tell you about these cells later on.

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