Another page about food

And again, here I present to you, a lot of food. A lot of food I like, and how to prepare it. Food is awesome. More recipes will be coming soon, I hope. =3

Up first: an awesome smoothie

I really love smoothies. A lot.

1- 3 persons

What you'll be needing:

- 2 bananas
- 4-6 spoons of yoghurt (please, do take some fresh yoghurt)
- milk, about half a cup
- optional: half a mango, use one that is ripe, if you have a green one, it will taste sour.
- optional: 5 large strawberries
- Or, instead of milk, use one of those kinds of milk mixed with fruit.

(read the tips first)

1. Throw all of it in a blender. Then blend.
2. Celebrate, you managed to make a smoothie.
3. Drink it. Or give it to someone else. Or pour it over yourself. Use your imagination.

Some tips: Throw the fruits in first, they take the longest to blend, and for drinking, use a straw, I think it tastes better that way. But if you don't like it, then don't.

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