Games I'd like to try

(Slight warning: Most of these games are of the horror- genre. My descriptions aren't scary at all, yet I feel that I should warn that you shouldn't look up creepy pictures and show them to young children or anything.
Seriously. That would be stupid.)

Amnesia: The Dark Descent

In Amnesia you play as a character called Daniel. The only thing he remembers is his name, and where he lives. He gives you this information with a panicky voice, while running and trying to hide. As you wake up a few moments later, the game starts, giving you the full opportunity to explore the giant castle, which certainly has a lot of beautiful places. That is, if you ignore the blood and the sticky bloody breathing things.
You might want to worry about the things that hop around in that castle too, because when you first encounter one of them, they absolutely do not behave like a friend of yours. Also, you don't have any weapons to protect yourself, all you can do is run and hide. (And Daniel runs incredibly slow.)
When you see one of those monsters, or stand in the darkness for to long, your sanity will drain, making your character see or hear things that aren't there. This results in a lot of jump scares and it might make you feel quite paranoid.
I am absolutely not a hero when it comes to the horror genre, yet I often get in touch with it due to curiosity.

Skyrim: The Elder Scrolls V

In Skyrim you play as a fugitive, and after escaping your execution, the story starts. Your goal is mostly doing quests and completing missions, doing so,  you learn a lot of things about yourself. For example: you apparently have a destiny to fulfill. You can roam through Skyrim to anywhere you want, by feet or by horse. 
You can make weapons using forges. You can improve them at workbenches and grindstones, and if you want your weapons to do more damage, you can also use magic on them to enchant them. Yet you first need to make it to a certain level before you can use certain utilities. You can also learn to use spells to attack your enemies.
Apparently, you can get married to NPCs too, regardless of gender and species. -_-
This has certain benefits though.

The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim cover.png

SCP: Containment Breach

Though I have only heard of this game a few times, it sounds quite awesome. I've watched a few videos to  see how the game looks like, and it seems quite tricky.
In this game, you guide a test subject, D-9341, through many obstacles in the SCP facility. Even though the game isn't as beautifully animated as Amnesia and Skyrim, well, I still just really want to know what happens. 
The final goal in this game is to eventually reach freedom, alive of course. During the test, a containment breach occurs, making the site's security compromised, releasing a lot of deadly creatures. These creatures are called SCPs. One of these creatures, SCP-079, is an Artificial Intelligence program, that wants to take over the facility. This program can open and shut the doors in the facility, because these door are controlled by it. 
On of the things that I find interesting about this game is that one of the SCPs, SCP-173 can only attack your character when you are not looking at it. This means that every time your character blinks, it will get closer and closer till it is close enough to kill you. But when you are looking at the  SCP, it will stand perfectly still, waiting for you to turn your eyes away.
While looking up some pictures, I got quite scared actually. -_-

File:SCP Containment Breach logo.jpg

The Witch's House

In this game, you play as Viola, a 13 year old girl, who finds herself waking up in a garden, in front of a big mysterious house. She appears not to be able to get out of the garden as its path is blocked with magical roses, which can't be cut away.
She decides to enter the house, and that is where the adventure starts.
The animation is very simple, yet the jump scares are really scary, as they are everywhere, and at every moment when you don't expect it. I heard the story line is great, yet some scenes are quite cruel. 
For example, there are a lot of bloodstains on the walls, and you meet a very cute and helpful frog, which you eventually need to feed to a monster.
There are a lot of complicated and twisted or insane puzzles. If you can't solve them, you will die in quite a painful way. 
This game is also full of hidden scares. For example, an invisible person needs a rope to tie some books together. After you give him a rope, he will thank you and give you a book (which you will be needing later on). If you return to that room later on, (this isn't necessary, most people people don't do this, that is why it remains a secret to most people) you will see the rope that you gave him, tied up to the ceiling, while something invisible hangs on the rope. The invisible guy doesn't talk back anymore.
If you know what I mean.

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