Monday 14 January 2013

New Page! ^^

I've decided to add a new page called 'Games I'd like to play'. I wish I could say 'Games I play', but my parents won't let me play any of them.
They are right actually. I really want to play those games, but I need to focus on school. My grades are awful.
Even though they are improving slightly, I need to keep on studying.
Gwah   -_-
Guess I need to end this message now, I am dead- tired -_-

See you around~


I like pandas.

Saturday 12 January 2013

A few updates!

I've updated the page called 'Things you might want to try once!' and the pages called random facts. I hope you like it! 
My parents are watching a horror movie behind me, making me jump with each and every scare. 
I like horror movies and horror games, and always watch them out of curiosity. Yet after watching a movie or watching a game using YouTube (as my parents won't let me play any games), every corner or shadow or sound in my house is equal to a grudge-like dead Asian girl trying to kill me.

Tomorrow I'll be updating some more, if I ever get to reach a computer.

*Jumpscare*  \(^.^')/     ____(     )____

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Nolife is on his way!~

I've finished drawing a Nolife comic, but I still need to upload it. And since my laptop has been Hulk smashed, I have to fight an incredible battle to gain acces to the main computer in my house, since I need to share it with my overly- attached- to- electronics- family. Looks like I'm going to lose this battle, as I just took an arrow to the knee.

Just heard my laptop might be broken beyond repair. o.o


See you around~
